The idea of NIHON CEHLA Co., Ltd
NIHON CEHLA Co., Ltd will support a life to live shining.
A life that can live life shining every day with good health and rich life!
I think that real happiness is born from the flow of time.
"To enrich people's lifestyles."
With these wishes, we have five objectives of "Creation" "Environment" "Health" "Life" "Action" as the corporate theme. Please expect Japan Sara who strives to make people's health through the development and sale of products that are friendly to both people and the earth.
Representative director
Katsuhiro Ueda

We utilize traditional Japanese materials and technology, special materials of the world, we offer safe and high quality product production, "Body and body transfer" products.
Considering global environmental problems and the interests of society as a whole, we will conduct corporate activities for the environment where we can live with peace of mind.

The biggest theme that humans can live. We will realize how we can achieve age by repeatedly shining people.
Realize the desired lifestyle. We will offer opportunities so that we can spend such a wonderful life.

We will think about "what we can do now" with you and will realize the future proud of our future children.